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League of Legends Rank

How to use this endpoint on Streamelements

$(touser) ► $(customapi./api/lol/rank?channel=$(channel)&region=REGION&player=PLAYERNAME&tag=TAG&type=text)

Regions available:

br1Brazil (BR)
eun1Europe Nordic & East (EUW)
euw1Europe West (EUW)
jp1Japan (JP)
krKorea (KR)
la1Latin America North (LA1)
la2Latin America South (LA2)
me1Middle East (ME1)
na1North America (NA)
oc1Oceania (OC)
ph2Philippines (PH)
ruRussia (RU)
sg2Singapore (SG)
th2Thailand (TH)
tr1Turkey (TR)
tw2Taiwan (TW)
vn2Vietnam (VN)

Configure your message

You can use the box below to configure your chat message.
Available variables: (player), (rank), (points), (wins), (losses)
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