Valorant Rank
How to use this endpoint on Streamelements
$(touser) ► $(customapi. /api/valorant /rank ?channel=$(channel) &type=text ®ion=REGION &player=PLAYERNAME &tag=TAG &msg="MESSAGE")
$(touser) ► $(customapi. /api/valorant /rank ?channel=$(channel) &type=text &id=ID &msg="MESSAGE")
Regions available:
Code | Region |
ap | Asia Pacific |
br | Brazil |
eu | Europe |
kr | Korea |
latam | Latin America |
na | North America |
MESSAGE is a custom message to be sent on chat and it is optional. If ommited, the default message is "(player) está (rank) com (pontos) pontos".
MESSAGE text can contain the following variables: (player), (pontos), (rank). In case the rank is Immortal/Radiant, you can also use (posicao) and (vitorias) to display your position and number of victories, respectively.
If no message is added, the following default message will be displayed (using the example user):
LOUD Coreano está Imortal 2 com 213 pontos
Configure your message
You can use the box below to configure your chat message.